
Friday, November 21, 2008

The Gift of Sight

My birthday isn't until tomorrow, but Jon gave me an early present... quite possibly my favorite present ever! He literally gave me the gift of sight! NEW CONTACTS! I've been wearing an ancient (9 years old) pair of glasses for the last 6 months, and I can't believe the difference!

I can't imagine that people who have always had perfect vision can have as deep an appreciation for the blessing that excellent eyesight is, as we blind-as-a-bat-without-correction types do. Here's an example... and those of you who know me best know I am NOT exaggerating... I really am this blind without help!

This is how I see the world without corrective lenses...

And this is how it looks with my new contacts in!

I have to say that suddenly being able to see so clearly was a little disconcerting. We were in Costco when I emerged from the doctors office with my newly perfected peepers, and I can only describe that experience as a visual assault. Everything was in 3D. People weren't walking towards me, they were COMING AT ME! (and yes, I flinched!) There were colors and things and colorful things everywhere! Most of you were probably already aware of this, but I realized that day that Costco sells GAZILLIONS of products! And I could see every last one of them. I actually got dizzy... I had to hold on to Jon's arm for a minute until my brain settled down and decided it could manage the information overload after all. Then we stepped outside... poor brain!

You'll be pleased to know that I find you all much more beautiful than before... when you had fluffy edges and no facial features at all. It turns out that I have a stunningly gorgeous set of loved ones! Thank you, My Jon, for your thoughtful and truly amazing gift!!! I love and adore you a million times more than you will ever know!!!


Glass Dragon said...

I didn't know how blind I was until I finally got glasses. Wow! Things more than 15 feet away from me really do have edges! Those road signs have writing upon them! Street lamps aren't fluffy balls of light!

I'm not as blind as my dear sister, but I still marvel at the difference my corrective lenses make. I often flip my glasses up and down and watch things go in and out of focus and think to myself, "Eye doctors are COOL!"

Campbell Family said...

I am also blind as a bat! Contacts really are amazing and I am so happy to wear them most of the time instead of glasses! It really is amazing what we take for granted huh? Glad to hear that you are seeing so much now. You might be getting into more trouble at costco now that you can see EVERYTHING! Watch out...here she comes:)

Deb said...

I am nearly as blind as my dear sister and had a similar experience about a month ago when I, too, decided it was time to replace my ancient glasses! Wow, what a difference! Unfortunately, I can also see every wrinkle that has developed in the past 8 years! Alas, you can't have everything.
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