
Friday, November 14, 2008

Politics Without Policy

Winston Churchill, a great favorite of mine, once said, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

This is not the post I logged in to write today - I'll get to that later. I was stopped in my tracks by something that my oldest son emailed to me... something that confirms a nagging doubt I've had, and hoped I would never find proof of. We are a complacent nation. Not only do we seldom know exactly what it is that we are doing, we rarely bother to educate ourselves before acting on our first ideas, all the while assuming that everything is going to work out fine no matter who ends up in charge. Regardless of who you voted for, this is appalling!


Glass Dragon said...




*bangs head on desk repeatedly*

Deb said...

Wow, that is appalling! I'm almost speechless. Well, as speechless as I get anyway!;)
The word today is corslypo. Very interesting!